In today's fast-paced world, it's easy to fall into unhealthy habits and routines. We often sacrifice our well-being in pursuit of s...
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Developing Self-Awareness: An Exploration of Personal Strengths and Weaknesses
Dr. Steve April 06, 2023
Self-awareness is a crucial component of personal growth and development. It involves understanding one's own emotions, thoughts, and be...
Poor sleep doubled risk of asthma
Dr. Steve April 06, 2023
Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease that affects millions of people worldwide. While the exact causes of asthma remain unknown, several ...
The mortal danger of varicose veins
Dr. Steve April 05, 2023
Varicose veins are a common and often painful condition affecting millions of people worldwide. While many view varicose veins as a cosmetic...
What is the cause of liver cancer?
Dr. Steve April 05, 2023
Investigating the Root Cause of Liver Cancer Liver cancer is one of the most deadly and prevalent cancers worldwide, with a high mortality r...
The Silent Symptoms of Pancreatic Cancer
Dr. Steve April 04, 2023
Pancreatic cancer is a highly aggressive and deadly form of cancer that often presents with few or no symptoms until it has reached an advan...
Angina: Causes, Treatment, and Dangerous Consequences
Dr. Steve April 04, 2023
Angina is a common medical condition that affects millions of people around the world. It is a type of chest pain that occurs when the heart...
Bowel cancer: Early signs, Stages & Treatment
Dr. Steve April 04, 2023
Bowel cancer is a type of cancer that affects the large bowel or rectum. It is the third most common cancer in the world, with over 1.8 mi...
What diseases does daytime sleep signal?
Dr. Steve April 03, 2023
Sleep is an essential component of human health and well-being. It is a natural process that provides rest for the body and mind, and is cru...
What causes ribbed or ridged nails?
Dr. Steve April 03, 2023
Ribbed or ridged nails are an often-overlooked symptom of various medical conditions. The appearance of ribbed nails is a common concern, an...